Sunday, March 7, 2010

Check your Cholesterol

The theme this coming season is to know your cholesterol and what it means to staying alive and healthy.

Cholesterol is the last guy on the totem poll for most people concerned about living a healthy lifestyle. It really ranks right up there with a healthy heart and liver and you can’t count on life with either one of those big guys misfiring on you! The involuntary organs work as a unit and they are even more important than our appearance because they cause the changes in our appearance. A high cholesterol level, a fatty liver and sludge in the gall bladder makes for one dull complexion, lines in your face and that love handle that is always impressive.

Summer is coming and we are bound to try on that old swim suit to see if its still fits on our imaginary contoured bodies that has taken its toll all winter! Suddenly we see a nonexistent tight stomach that once was the figure of a sun goddess. A few pounds show but more importantly what does not show is the unhealthy fat, a high rise in your cholesterol and glucose levels. Before we jump to conclusions let me take care of your trip to the health food store for weight loss products that don’t work; don’t bother.

We have to work from the inside out. No one seems to know that and everyone wastes money and time on pills, jogging, diet fads and giving up on what you really love for the chance to be healthy. That’s not how it works. Get your cholesterol checked to see what has to be done to get your body back in shape this season. A small finger stick can tell the whole picture about how your body is working for you.

At Integrative Health Patient Care we get to the heart of the matter, literally, with one simple stick and a drop of blood. In five minutes we see how your liver is doing. We compute a complete and comprehensive lipid test that shows the HDL, LDL, Triglycerides and Total Cholesterol numbers. This is an indication of how your heart, liver and adrenals are working. Once you see the numbers you know exactly what to eat and how to exercise without dropping over on the treadmill. No kidding, it’s a one way trip to hell if you jump on your treadmill with a fatty liver and an over worked heart. We also check your glucose (sugar) levels that tell us how your pancreas is working.

Before you consider that new swim suit consider your good health with a test today. It is time you became aware of the real things that matter, YOU!

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