Sunday, February 28, 2010

Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a sillent disease like cancer that can only be detected when it is too late. Too late means dialysis in most cases and or kidney replacement. Polycystic means many cysts from two to more and they lay on or in the kidney making it impossible to remove but can sometimes be drained to no curative avail because they grow back. They can weigh anywhere from ounces up to 20 lbs. and can swell the stomach, add stress to the lower back and send poison through the entire body and involuntary organs that are our main filtration systems. This disease is genetic in order and in its disorder can effect both kidneys at the same time.
Usually stones can form in the bladder and affect the liver as well backing up its poisons that do harm to the delicate filtration system of the liver.
Dialysis is one way of cleaning up the poison from the blood sending it back through the filter systems only to be toxic once again because the cysts remain in tact doing damage to the kidneys. Once on dialysis you cannot stop or death can occur shortly after once the poisons are sent to the heart through the blood.
Kidneys filter wates and extra fluid from the blood to form urine. They also regulate amounts of certain vitral instances in the body.
Stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking or jump on that dialysis machine later in age.
If you continue to tax the kidneys and the adrenals that sit on top of the kidneys you can fall victim to renal failure and nothing can save your life other than a kidney replacement and then its usually too late.
Make note of lower back pain, lethargy, weakness, fatigue, red eyes, pain, painful urinating, swelling, tenderness of the lower back and bloody urine.
There are two forms of Polycystic Kidney Disease which is abreviated as PKD and are PKD autosomal dominant and PKD autosomal recessive. Dominant is inherited and hits adults Recessive is rare and can form and affect the fetus in the womb.
Remember that there is no cure for this disease in western medicine but Homeopathy does offer this and is sure to remove the cysts by removing the memory of the symptom so it does not reoccur even if it is inherited.
Contact our offices at Integrative Health Patient Care 480-703-0151 for more information if you or someone you know suffers from this disease. Stay tunned for our next blog on Genetic diseases.

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