Thursday, February 11, 2010

Spring Is On The Way, Are We Ready For Change?

By Dr Berni, Ph.D

Times and seasons are changing on every level of life. There are only three things that do not change in our lives; taxes, birth and death.

What about the continuous change that we are not familiar with?

Do we take the time out of our lives to watch the birds communicate with one another? Do we take care of the flowers that are growing wild in our back yard and nurture them with our love and attention? Everything needs love and attention to grow and spring is the perfect time to begin at the beginning.

Spring brings new feelings of rejuvenation. It is when the Earth comes alive and awakens after a long sleep.

Yet even in these changes of the Earth we let our bodily changes go un-noticed.

Spring is the time for the body to heal quickly with the warmth and the beauty of the Earth. It is the time when our bodies also come alive with a new sense and feeling of freedom and happiness.

Yet even in these subtle changes that we go through some of us still depend on our doctors to keep us in shape. We need to take charge of our own bodies and do what we can to enjoy and appreciate the change that Mother Earth is shedding on us. Realize that with each season we under go change, we become wiser, more in tune with our body, mind and soul.

Keep your spirits high and don’t depend on someone else to be responsible for your happiness.

We are human beings with cells that under go change by the seconds. Our bodies are designed to fight off disease and give us back what we were given at birth, a clean slate. What about acquired disease and what about genetics? Some things never change and we are forced to see the doctor for wellness. Not cure, just wellness.

No more ‘take one aspirin and call me in the morning.’ You ‘can’t’ call your doctor. You have to bare your problems to the nurse on the phone. Perhaps the doctor will never call and you will be forced to make an appointment to go in. More money, more time out of your day.

Medicine, compassion, reasoning and medical break through to fight disease is all under change as we read this note.

Some things change but some things never change. We are at the mercy of our insurance companies. We are in the throws of the Big Parma’s that regulate us and we are humans that dangle from a string to the eyes of the FDA. Stand up for your medical rights. Make sure you heed warning signs that your body is showing you and that you do see your doctor when the time is right. Natural healing is in the eye of change right now. There is preventative natural medicine to help you cope with and be ready for change. What you thought you were and always wanted to be is really what you are. Some things never change!

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