Wednesday, February 24, 2010


INTEGRATIVE HEALTH PATIENT CARE is offering a comprehensive lipid (cholesterol) and Glucose test with five minute results for $15.00 from March through April. Get your body in shape for the summer with the assurance that if your cholesterol is high we can help you reduce the fats that cause havoc in your arteries and blood stream. When the body cannot break down the hard fats from the different foods  it directly affects your heart, brain, tissues, cells and other glandular functions.

Checking your cholesterol for the LDL, HDL, Triglycerides and total Cholesterol helps you to become more aware of how you are treating your body and how to maintain a healthy balance. Each of our glands and involuntary organs work in simultaneous order to make the perfect machine that takes you though your life. Each precision movement and function of these orders in the body determine your life span and dictate how the body will maintain endurance, strength and youth.

When you think of glands and functions of the body  you may think of the hormones  Progesterone, Testosterone and Estrogen, being responsible for lack of sleep or irritability. This is not where the true glandular focus lies.
Beginning with the master glands, the Pituitary, Thyroid and Hypothalmus that trigger other responses that make your body withstand the stress and pressures of everyday life we are always at risk of failure if we do not assist in obliging these glands properly. Investigating the cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood helps us to determine what must be done to facilitate their function.
The liver, gall bladder and other organs all work together as filtration and excreciatory platforms in the body that all work together to keep us in homeostasis, that is, good working order.
If only ONE of those performances are not working in unison with one another the body becomes sick.

There is so much to the human body that we dont realize and do not want to take the time to investigate because that is not where our concern lies. We ignore symptoms and push ourselves to the max. We dont take time to recognize warning signs or what triggers them.
We expect the body to take care of itself and if it goes astray we give it to our doctors to figure out. If we were more attuned and aware of our body functions we could eliminate most sufferings and live a longer and more healthy life. Trust that it will matter to you when you reach the end of life.

Don't wait for tomorrow to get that check up or test. Dont put off until tomorrow what you should do today, after all  your body waits for no one when it signals you that something isnt right.
Each day your body takes care of you in a timely fashion not waiting for tomorrow for your heart to beat again, or for your eyes to blink again or for your lungs to breathe. Your body lives moment to moment and by split second timing. That is how important it is to make sure you are on the mark at all times taking care of yourself.
We have one body, one mind and one chance at this life. Go Get Em Champ!

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