Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Integrative Health Patient Care is now offering Vitamin B12 injections for use with our weight loss protocol or just for energy. Vit. B12 helps the metabolism to raise thus improving weight loss as an aid to more energy.
We also administer the injections for clarity or thought, anemia, depression, strength and endurance.
Vitamin B12 can be a safe weekly aid as long as it is given in small amounts of 1ml.
If you are anemic and want the injections its a good idea to discuss this with your medical doctor before beginning the program.
We offer our injections by the month or three month package or just individually by the week.

We give the injection subQ, in the tissue to prevent storage in the liver. It takes about 24 hours using this technique for the vitamin to enter the body. If using a larger gauge needle and administering into the muscle the vitamin has a quicker response to its delivery. Either way it is considered a save vitamin if not over used.
As with any vitamin or mineral moderation is warranted. If you are taking a B12 pill remember that the saturation is not that of the injection and most of the pill is wasted and removed via the urine.

Our weight loss patients that are taking our HCG notice more energy and a quicker loss of weight with the use of B12 injections.
They are painless and can be given either in the upper arm or in the hip.
Most of the patients getting the shots say that they have more mental clarity and can retain information for longer periods of time after the injection.
Maybe this should be called, 'the happy vitamin' since it seems to lift the spirits and is noticed as a mood elevator in those patients with different forms of depression. For more info telephone us at 4807030151.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Cyanocobalamin is a synthetic form of B12 which is prescribed to correct deficiency. B12 is found in organ meats, liver, beef, pork, eggs, whole milk, cheese, whole wheat bread and fish. It is not found in plant foods unless they are fortified breakfast cereals. Vegans are likely to benefit from B12 supplementation.
Role in Anti Aging, vit. B12 is necessary and required for the production of red and white cells and blood platelets (thrombosites), the manufacture of substances needed for correct cell functioning and the metabolism of nutrients necessary for cell growth. It is essential for the recycling of certain enzymes that maintain the health of blood, nerve and other cells. It also aids the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for weight loss. It may suppress the appetite. Vitamin B12 works together with folic acid and B6 to lower blood levels of the amino acid homocysteine, high levels of which are associated with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Elevated homocysteine levels have also been linked to Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's and Osteoporosis.
Deficiency symptoms is Pernicious anemia including weakness, a sore and inflamed tongue that appears smooth and shiny, numbness and tingling in extremities, pallor, weak pulse, stiffness, fatigue syndrome, diarrhea, poor appetite, growth failure in children. Health experts estimate that as many as one in five adults have a B12 deficiency.
B12 used for weight loss with hCG is a way to accompany fast weight loss. Integrative Health Patient Care is now offering  B12 injections with  hCG that is imported from Germany. Our program is affordable, easy and doesn't leave you brain dead. By incorporating free cholesterol tests with our program it allows us to monitor your fat intake and loss with weekly weigh ins. hCG is a hormone that targets the hypothalamus to make the thyroid balance thus raising the metabolism for weight loss.
Our injections are painless as we use a smaller gauge needle with the lowest dose of B12 that is not harmful to the body. Our weight loss program is on sale until the end of July. Call  us to see if you qualify for our hCG program, 480-703-0151 and let Dr. Berni help you with a program tailored to your goals. Dr. Berni is a PhD in natural medicine with a discipline in Homeopathy. View us on

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Check your Cholesterol

The theme this coming season is to know your cholesterol and what it means to staying alive and healthy.

Cholesterol is the last guy on the totem poll for most people concerned about living a healthy lifestyle. It really ranks right up there with a healthy heart and liver and you can’t count on life with either one of those big guys misfiring on you! The involuntary organs work as a unit and they are even more important than our appearance because they cause the changes in our appearance. A high cholesterol level, a fatty liver and sludge in the gall bladder makes for one dull complexion, lines in your face and that love handle that is always impressive.

Summer is coming and we are bound to try on that old swim suit to see if its still fits on our imaginary contoured bodies that has taken its toll all winter! Suddenly we see a nonexistent tight stomach that once was the figure of a sun goddess. A few pounds show but more importantly what does not show is the unhealthy fat, a high rise in your cholesterol and glucose levels. Before we jump to conclusions let me take care of your trip to the health food store for weight loss products that don’t work; don’t bother.

We have to work from the inside out. No one seems to know that and everyone wastes money and time on pills, jogging, diet fads and giving up on what you really love for the chance to be healthy. That’s not how it works. Get your cholesterol checked to see what has to be done to get your body back in shape this season. A small finger stick can tell the whole picture about how your body is working for you.

At Integrative Health Patient Care we get to the heart of the matter, literally, with one simple stick and a drop of blood. In five minutes we see how your liver is doing. We compute a complete and comprehensive lipid test that shows the HDL, LDL, Triglycerides and Total Cholesterol numbers. This is an indication of how your heart, liver and adrenals are working. Once you see the numbers you know exactly what to eat and how to exercise without dropping over on the treadmill. No kidding, it’s a one way trip to hell if you jump on your treadmill with a fatty liver and an over worked heart. We also check your glucose (sugar) levels that tell us how your pancreas is working.

Before you consider that new swim suit consider your good health with a test today. It is time you became aware of the real things that matter, YOU!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a sillent disease like cancer that can only be detected when it is too late. Too late means dialysis in most cases and or kidney replacement. Polycystic means many cysts from two to more and they lay on or in the kidney making it impossible to remove but can sometimes be drained to no curative avail because they grow back. They can weigh anywhere from ounces up to 20 lbs. and can swell the stomach, add stress to the lower back and send poison through the entire body and involuntary organs that are our main filtration systems. This disease is genetic in order and in its disorder can effect both kidneys at the same time.
Usually stones can form in the bladder and affect the liver as well backing up its poisons that do harm to the delicate filtration system of the liver.
Dialysis is one way of cleaning up the poison from the blood sending it back through the filter systems only to be toxic once again because the cysts remain in tact doing damage to the kidneys. Once on dialysis you cannot stop or death can occur shortly after once the poisons are sent to the heart through the blood.
Kidneys filter wates and extra fluid from the blood to form urine. They also regulate amounts of certain vitral instances in the body.
Stop drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking or jump on that dialysis machine later in age.
If you continue to tax the kidneys and the adrenals that sit on top of the kidneys you can fall victim to renal failure and nothing can save your life other than a kidney replacement and then its usually too late.
Make note of lower back pain, lethargy, weakness, fatigue, red eyes, pain, painful urinating, swelling, tenderness of the lower back and bloody urine.
There are two forms of Polycystic Kidney Disease which is abreviated as PKD and are PKD autosomal dominant and PKD autosomal recessive. Dominant is inherited and hits adults Recessive is rare and can form and affect the fetus in the womb.
Remember that there is no cure for this disease in western medicine but Homeopathy does offer this and is sure to remove the cysts by removing the memory of the symptom so it does not reoccur even if it is inherited.
Contact our offices at Integrative Health Patient Care 480-703-0151 for more information if you or someone you know suffers from this disease. Stay tunned for our next blog on Genetic diseases.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

An Inspirational Message

I thought that in this day and age of stress and hurried minds, of the times that have grown hard and pressing upon us we might find some solice in the most sophisticated poetry below that was written by myself during such times as I have doubted my soul and my future. Of a time when I was feeling somewhat unsure of myself and of my abilities. In these words that came to me quite suddenly I got the message to hang on and go forward. Written in 2007 I give this now  to all my friends out there that fancy Johnathon Livingston S.
Dr. Berni Massari

My spirit wide open,
And I fly, up into the sky!
My heart carrying me steadfast,
Arms stretched out wide,
High I fly into the sky!
Somewhere the rainbow,
Why can't I?

Hopes, dreams, maybes follow the soul,
as truth finds you peeking in.
Say not, "Why I".
Stand up the spirit,
And Fly!


INTEGRATIVE HEALTH PATIENT CARE is offering a comprehensive lipid (cholesterol) and Glucose test with five minute results for $15.00 from March through April. Get your body in shape for the summer with the assurance that if your cholesterol is high we can help you reduce the fats that cause havoc in your arteries and blood stream. When the body cannot break down the hard fats from the different foods  it directly affects your heart, brain, tissues, cells and other glandular functions.

Checking your cholesterol for the LDL, HDL, Triglycerides and total Cholesterol helps you to become more aware of how you are treating your body and how to maintain a healthy balance. Each of our glands and involuntary organs work in simultaneous order to make the perfect machine that takes you though your life. Each precision movement and function of these orders in the body determine your life span and dictate how the body will maintain endurance, strength and youth.

When you think of glands and functions of the body  you may think of the hormones  Progesterone, Testosterone and Estrogen, being responsible for lack of sleep or irritability. This is not where the true glandular focus lies.
Beginning with the master glands, the Pituitary, Thyroid and Hypothalmus that trigger other responses that make your body withstand the stress and pressures of everyday life we are always at risk of failure if we do not assist in obliging these glands properly. Investigating the cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood helps us to determine what must be done to facilitate their function.
The liver, gall bladder and other organs all work together as filtration and excreciatory platforms in the body that all work together to keep us in homeostasis, that is, good working order.
If only ONE of those performances are not working in unison with one another the body becomes sick.

There is so much to the human body that we dont realize and do not want to take the time to investigate because that is not where our concern lies. We ignore symptoms and push ourselves to the max. We dont take time to recognize warning signs or what triggers them.
We expect the body to take care of itself and if it goes astray we give it to our doctors to figure out. If we were more attuned and aware of our body functions we could eliminate most sufferings and live a longer and more healthy life. Trust that it will matter to you when you reach the end of life.

Don't wait for tomorrow to get that check up or test. Dont put off until tomorrow what you should do today, after all  your body waits for no one when it signals you that something isnt right.
Each day your body takes care of you in a timely fashion not waiting for tomorrow for your heart to beat again, or for your eyes to blink again or for your lungs to breathe. Your body lives moment to moment and by split second timing. That is how important it is to make sure you are on the mark at all times taking care of yourself.
We have one body, one mind and one chance at this life. Go Get Em Champ!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

LArginine Pro Argi-9

LArginine is very important to our lives as we cannot live without this particular amino acid. Below are some of the points that LArginine covers in your health;

  • Libido
  • Sleep
  • Weight Loss
  • Cardiovascular action
  • Cholesterol
  • Menopause symptoms
  • and it is considered an ANTI AGING PROPERTY
Sounds good to me!

I recently found Pro Arginine Complexor and its very helpful in restoring brain function. It awakens the brain and gives you plenty of endurance.
If taking straight LArginine it can be dangerous in its dosage and you have to know how to work with it for your body but using ProArgi-9 is completely save, no side effects that I have found.
In my clinic, Integrative Health Patient Care we encourage every patient especially those that have had heart symptoms to drink this delicious nutrient regularly.
Within the first five minutes of ingestion you will feel awake and ready to go. It also encourages the flow of urine so weight loss and bladder cleansing is at top performance.
Check out my website for my clinic and see what we do. I use Homeopathic treatment among other wonderful natural remedies for complete care and we take all ages and treat all symptoms.
My website, will tell you exactly what we treat. We are also number one in noninvasive nonsurgical face and body lifting that really works and lasts for about two years.
I recently developed a health plan for patients to save on natural health care that is affordable for everyone to have.
Dr. Berni recommends staying healthy body mind and soul. We are all in this together.
My clinic is special because we listen and take the necessary time to understand our patients.
We also perfom five minute cholesterol and glucose testing on site.

Contact us for your free introductory health visit where we can become famililar with your case. No charge for the first time and no obligation. Call us today at, 480-703-0151